Thinking about supporting SDCF in long-term financial planning?
If you are thinking about long-term financial planning and are interested in supporting Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation (SDCF) as part of your plans, you may choose to Name SDCF as a beneficiary of a will, retirement account, life-insurance policy, or trust. These frequently utilized planned gift options enable SDCF to plan long-term strategies to support SDCF’s programming for the next generation of Directors, Choreographers and Associate/Resident Director and Choreographers.
If you have named SDCF in your long-term financial plans, please let us know as we would like to thank you properly!

Should you choose to include SDCF in your estate, below is some sample language you can use:
“I hereby give and bequeath [amount in dollars or percentage amount] to the Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation, Inc., a New York-based nonprofit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, having federal tax identification number 13-2570500, with its headquarters currently located at 321 West 44th Street, Suite 804, New York, NY 10036 for its general purposes”
While planned gifts make a lasting and meaningful contribution to SDCF and fulfill your financial and philanthropic objectives, they also can offer significant tax benefits by substantially reducing capital gains and estate taxes and/or providing immediate income to you or a beneficiary. Please seek the advice of an accountant, tax advisor or estate lawyer to individually advise you of these tax benefits when making a gift to SDCF.
U.S. taxpayers wishing to support SDCF through an estate plan can learn more information about planned giving options by contacting Danielle Barlow, Foundation Director, at (646)-524-2226 or at